Show diversity,
experience education

Traces of reality

Talking machines, canned music and the recording studio for talents and technology freaks
Opening hours
Tue – Fri: 9:00 – 17:00
Sat / Sun / Public holidays: 10:00 - 18:00
5 € per person | 4 € reduced
Friday from 12:00 free admission (except public holidays)

At the end of the 19th century, two technologies emerged almost simultaneously, ushering in a new acoustic age. The mechanical control of pianos and other musical instruments and the recording and reproduction of sounds and noises with the help of needles and rotating rollers or discs made it possible for the first time to reproduce music and speech faithfully.

The exhibition shows a large selection of speaking and music machines as well as historical sound carriers. Highlights include the »Happy Jazzband« by Popper & Co from the 1920s with automatic drums, some of the earliest phonographs and gramophones and a reel-to-reel tape recorder built by a Dresden engineer in the 1950s. Early examples of experimental machine music as well as hits from a century of pop music can be heard. Several exhibits can be demonstrated by museum staff or even tried out by visitors themselves.

KI generiert: Das Bild zeigt ein Museumsausstellungsstück mit einem alten Grammophon und verschiedenen Fotografien im Hintergrund. Der Fokus liegt auf dem historischen Tonabspielgerät und der begleitenden Informationstafel.Museen Dresden / Arlet