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Tower café

Take a break above the rooftops of the city
Opening hours

Tue – Fri: 11:00 – 17:00

Sat / Sun / Public holidays 11:00 – 18:00

Venue hire

Joachim Vocke

+49 351 488 7372


Eva-Maria Gerber

+49 151 1557 5453

The Turmcafé invites all visitors to the Technology Collections to take a refreshing break above the rooftops of Dresden and has long since become a popular meeting place in the district, as a visit to the Turmcafé is possible without a museum ticket. The SPEISEWERK team serves coffee and cake, refreshments and a changing lunch menu. In good weather, the fantastic panoramic view extends from Radebeul to Saxon Switzerland.

The Turmcafé is also a spectacular location for a reception or your own party. It offers 200 m² of space for 50 to 60 people. The view will also inspire your guests. Please ask us about the current hire conditions.

Random 2023 42Foto: Speisewerk
Random 2023 38Foto: Speisewerk
KI generiert: Das Bild zeigt eine gemütliche Cafeteria mit mehreren Personen, die an der Theke anstehen. An den Wänden hängen Tafeln mit dem Menüangebot, und die Einrichtung wirkt modern und einladend. Foto: © Museen der Stadt Dresden, Philipp WL Günther