Participate & support


The Friends of the Technische Sammlungen Dresden

The Association for the Promotion of the Dresden Technology Collections supports the museum in its public relations work and specialised tasks.

Depending on the focus of the Technology Collections, the association has members with different interests who form their own working groups (AG). Of course, members who are simply interested in the collections of the Technische Sammlungen »per se« are also welcome.

More information

Association for the Promotion of the Erlebnisland Mathematik Dresden e. V.

If you would like to actively support ERLEBNISLAND MATHEMATIK Dresden, you can do so through the non-profit organisation »Verein zur Förderung des Erlebnislandes Mathematik Dresden e. V.«

The purpose of the association is to provide moral and financial support for the development and expansion of »ERLEBNISLAND MATHEMATIK Dresden« in the Technology Collections of the City of Dresden.

The chairman of this association is Dr Hans-Otfried Müller.

The account details for donations for the maintenance and expansion of the Adventureland are

IBAN: DE42 3506 0190 1627 4600 11
LKG Sachsen eG