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KI generiert: Das Bild zeigt eine Sammlung von alten Kameras und Ferngläsern, die auf mehreren Regalen ausgestellt sind. Die Kameras variieren in Form, Größe und Material, und einige besitzen auffällige Holzelemente.


The museum collects technical equipment, tools and machines as well as photographs, film, video and sound recordings, software, posters and brochures, written documents and literature. The collections are the basis of the museum's work and form the foundation for researching and communicating technical developments and innovations, industrial productions and, last but not least, the enormous impact of image and information technology on lifestyles and social developments.

For enquiries and offers to the collections, please contact 

 +49 351 488 7236

Treasure troves of technology and media history

The Technology Collections collect and preserve evidence of the history of technology from the beginning of the industrial age to the present day. In addition to photography and cinematography, the focus is on information and communication technology, from the oldest calculating machines and typewriters to micro- and nanoelectronics, from mechanical musical instruments to the latest AV media technology. The museum collections also include objects from the fields of metrology and electrical engineering, scientific instrument making, household and medical technology and the history of Dresden's fire brigade.

The collections are anchored in Dresden's and Saxony's industrial history, but also contain numerous objects relating to the development of technology on a national and international scale. As a museum of the state capital of Dresden, the Technology Collections also collect equipment and products relating to technological research and high-tech industry in Dresden today.

KI generiert: Das Bild zeigt eine klassische Contax-Kamera mit einem robusten und hochwertigen Design. Die Kamera hat ein großes Objektiv mit dem Aufdruck "Carl Zeiss Jena".Contax I der Zeiss Ikon AG Dresden, ca. 1933. Die Contax I war 1932 die erste Systemkamera der Welt und die erste Kleinbildkamera mit Metall-Lamellenverschluss. | © Museen der Stadt Dresden

Photo and film technology

The collections preserve the material heritage of the »camera city of Dresden«. The current holdings were acquired in 1966 from the Polytechnisches Museum Dresden and the Museum für Photographie Dresden, and in 1992 the collection of equipment from the large VEB Pentacon factory was added as a significant addition. Since 1993, the Dresden Technology Collections have expanded and supplemented the collections.

Around 4000 cameras, 550 film cameras and more than 1000 individual objects are kept in the depots. They reflect the more than 100-year history of the former center of the European camera industry, which began in the 1860s with the manufacture of photochemical products and reached its first peak around 1900 with the large companies Richard Hüttig AG, Heinrich Ernemann AG and Emil Wünsche AG. The »Zeiss Ikon AG« from 1926 also made the location famous worldwide. Production on an industrial scale ended in 1991 with the liquidation of VEB Pentacon Dresden.

The photo and cinema technology collection not only preserves the once well-known brands and cameras of the major manufacturers, such as the Ermanox, Exakta, Contax – and all model variants of the legendary Praktica SLR camera. The diverse products of small and medium-sized manufacturers in and around Dresden have also been preserved.

KI generiert: Das Bild zeigt eine historische Fotografie, auf der drei Personen zu sehen sind, vermutlich eine Frau und zwei Kinder, die eng zusammenstehen und eine emotionale Verbindung zueinander zeigen. Die Fotografie scheint Schäden oder Alterungserscheinungen aufzuweisen.Stereodaguerreotypie von 1855 , Fotograf: Hermann Carl Eduard Biewend

Photography and film

The core of the photographic collection goes back to the »Museum für Photographie«, which existed as an independent institution in Dresden from 1957 to 1970. Its holdings were taken over by the Polytechnic Museum and subsequently expanded. After 1989, the image archive of the VEB Pentacon Dresden combine and other sub-collections were added.

The collection of daguerreotypes from the 19th century is of particular historical value. The artistic photography focuses on portrait and landscape photography. Well-known names in the collection include Louis Held, Otto Ehrhardt, Hugo Erfurth, Franz Fiedler and Edmund Kesting. Also important are topographical photographs of the city of Dresden and its surroundings as well as sub-collections reflecting the regional and everyday history of photography.

Significant additions to the collection in recent years include the photographic diary of Hugo Erfurth 1896 – 1930, the »Views of Germany« by Konrad Hoffmeister and works by the photography scholarship holders of the Stadtsparkasse Dresden.

KI generiert: Das Bild zeigt ein altes, nostalgisches Radiogerät mit verschiedenen Einstellknöpfen und Skalen. Das Gerät scheint aus Holz und Metall gefertigt und hat eine Marke namens "Eswe" auf der Vorderseite.Rundfunkempfänger Audion RE 1 der Sachsenwerk Licht- und Kraft-Aktiengesellschaft Dresden-Niedersedlitz, 1924/1926. Der Empfänger ist das früheste Radio aus Dresdner Produktion, kurz nach Einführung des Hörfunks in Deutschland am 29. Oktober 1923. | © Museen der Stadt Dresden

Entertainment and radio technology

Leipzig and Dresden played a historically significant role in the development and production of mechanical musical instruments and electronic sound storage and broadcasting technology. The Technology Collections therefore have a wide range of devices for storing and reproducing sounds in their collections. In addition to self-playing pianos, music boxes, needle-tone and tape recorders, the focus is on historical radio and television receivers. Starting with the first technical attempts at electronic voice and image transmission through to the fusion into »multimedia technology«, the most important devices from 100 years of radio and television can be found.

In our collections online you will find tours of Radio Mende and the  Sachsenwerk Niedersedlitz

KI generiert: Das Bild zeigt eine antike Schreibmaschine aus Holz mit einem ungewöhnlichen Design und Aufbau. Die Schreibmaschine hat eine Tastatur mit weißen Tasten und wirkt handgefertigt.Schreibmaschine von Peter Mitterhofer, Modell "Dresden", Partschins, 1864. Die unikale Schreibmaschinenkonstruktion datiert 10 Jahre vor Beginn der industriellen Produktion von Schreimaschinen in den USA 1874. | Foto: © Museen der Stadt Dresden

Office and computer technology

Dresden, the Eastern Ore Mountains and Thuringia have a long tradition of precision mechanical equipment manufacturing. Together with Karl-Marx-Stadt / Chemnitz, they became a focal point of German office and data processing technology after the Second World War, and in particular of computing electronics and computer technology in the GDR. The museum collection offers not only the largest European collection of typewriters from German and international manufacturers with over 1600 objects, but also further technical-historical evidence of the history of typing and computing from its beginnings in the 19th century to the mass spread of computers at the end of the 20th century. All the milestones of GDR computer technology are represented as well as innovations from the USA, the USSR, Western Europe and Japan.

KI generiert: Das Bild zeigt einen Mikrochip des Typs U61000C der Firma ZMD mit 14 Pins. Der Mikrochip hat eine goldene Oberseite und ist mit den Bezeichnungen "C12" und "A5" markiert.Speicherschaltkreis U61000C (1-Mbit-dRAM) des VEB Zentrum für Mikroelektronik Dresden, 1989. Das Projekt »MIKRON« war eine Technologie-Initiative der späten DDR, um den Anschluss an die Weltspitze der Mikroelektronik-Nationen herzustellen. | Foto: © Museen der Stadt Dresden

Micro- and nanoelectronics

Dresden has been the center of microelectronics research in the GDR since the early 1960s. After 1990, the city developed into an important European location for this industry as the heart of the »Silicon Saxony« high-tech cluster. Our museum follows this development from the very beginning to the present day. The collection includes both the first microchips »Made in Dresden« and those manufactured in the following decades, as well as important special technological equipment for their production. The estate of microelectronics pioneer Prof. Dr. Werner Hartmann (1912 –1988) is also available for research. This collection, which is outstanding in Germany due to its size, represents more than 60 years of component development in the digital age and also includes current devices in which semiconductor products from Dresden can be found.

In our online collections you will find a tour of the history of microelectronics in Dresden.

KI generiert: Das Bild zeigt eine historische wissenschaftliche Apparatur mit einer großen Glaskugel und Handkurbel, wahrscheinlich ein elektrostatischer Generator. Es handelt sich um ein Gerät zur Erzeugung und Demonstration von Elektrizität.Scheiben-Elektrisiermaschine um 1770. Die Untersuchung elektrischer Phänomene begann im 18. Jahrhundert mit der Entwicklung von Reibungselektrisiermaschinen. Diese Maschine ist zudem das älteste Exponat des Museums. | Foto: © Museen der Stadt Dresden

Measurement and electrical engineering

Whether vibration measurement technology and acoustics, nuclear radiation measurement technology, high-frequency and cable measurement technology: since the 1950s, Dresden has made a name for itself nationally and internationally in the field of measurement electronics. The industry was in turn a prerequisite for the development and production of entertainment, computing and communications technology in other locations. A wide variety of products, including those from Clamann & Grahnert (since 1972 VEB Präcitronic) and VEB Robotron-Messelektronik, have been preserved in the Technology Collections, as well as devices from Georg Rosenmüller (since 1972 VEB Anemometerbau) or VEB Reglerwerk (until 1946 Clemens Müller AG), which are more in the tradition of precision mechanics. In addition, there are also objects from scientific instrument and equipment construction, ranging from electrifying machines from the 18th century to pioneering achievements from the research institute of the physicist Prof. Manfred von Ardenne (1907 – 1997).

KI generiert: Das Bild zeigt einen Kontrollraum mit zahlreichen Schalt- und Bedienfeldern, Monitoren und Tasten. Im Vordergrund steht ein Schreibtisch mit einem Stuhl und Büromaterialien.Der 1957 in Betrieb genommene RFR sowjetischer Bauart war der erste Kernreaktor der DDR und wurde vollständig mit Automatisierungsgeräten aus DDR-Produktion gesteuert. | Foto: Messwarte des Rossendorfer Forschungsreaktors (RFR), Zentralinstitut für Kernforschung der Akademie der Wissenschaften der DDR Rossendorf, 1990
KI generiert: Das Bild zeigt einen offenen Koffer mit verschiedenen Glasaufsätzen und einem elektrischen Gerät, das mit Kabeln verbunden ist. Der Hauptinhalt scheint ein altes medizinisches oder therapeutisches Gerät zu sein.Hochfrequenz-Heilapparat "Siegozon", um 1930 | © Museen der Stadt Dresden

Medical technology

In particular, the Dresden-based X-ray equipment manufacturer Koch & Sterzel AG (VEB Transformatoren- und Röntgenwerk since 1948) established a tradition of medical technology for diagnostics and therapy in the Saxon state capital at the beginning of the 20th century. However, central companies and the research center of the GDR trademark association MLW (Medizin-, Labor- und Wägetechnik) were later also located in Dresden, Radebeul and Freital. The collection mainly comprises X-ray and high-frequency therapy devices of Dresden provenance, as well as evidence of the early wellness movement such as »Höhensonne«, »Massagegerät« and »Heim-Solarium«. Many of the surviving devices, be they pacemakers, clinical monitors or diagnostic aids, contain know-how from Dresden.

KI generiert: Das Bild zeigt eine antike Nähmaschine der Marke "Saxonia" auf einem hölzernen Sockel. Auf der Nähmaschine befindet sich ein Stück Stoff, das gerade bearbeitet wird.Nähmaschine Saxonia der Clemens Müller AG Dresden, 1875. Die 1855 gegründete Firma produzierte in 20 Jahren 100 000 Nähmaschinen. Das »Jubiläumsmodell« ist in den Technischen Sammlungen Dresden überliefert. | Foto: © Museen der Stadt Dresden

Household technology

Sewing machines from two centuries form the core of this collection. Clemens Müller (1828 – 1902), the founder of sewing machine production in Germany, and Bruno Naumann (1844 – 1903), the largest sewing machine manufacturer in Germany in the 19th century, were two outstanding entrepreneurs who shaped the precision engineering industry in the city of Dresden. Numerous other technical aids from the kitchen, bathroom and living room have also been preserved: in addition to well-known appliances for baking, lighting, heating, cooking, personal hygiene, cooling, cleaning and washing, there are also exotic consumer goods from everyday history such as the »electric hot shoe« and the »small pastry press« from the GDR computer manufacturer Robotron.

KI generiert: Das Bild zeigt ein rotes Feuerwehrauto mit einer ausgefahrenen Drehleiter. Das Fahrzeugmodell trägt die Aufschrift "IFA" an der Front.Modell eines Drehleiterfahrzeugs DL 30 auf W 50, 1980er Jahre | © Museen der Stadt Dresden

Fire department history

The first voluntary fire departments in Germany were founded in Saxony, Saarland and Baden in the middle of the 19th century. In Dresden, one of the oldest and most diverse collections on the history of the fire department and fire protection spans the historical arc from the leather fire bucket and the steam-powered fire engine of the past to the prototype of a fire-fighting robot in the 21st century. In cooperation with the fire and disaster control office of the state capital, the Technology Collections preserve extinguishing and rescue equipment, as well as fire protection and alarm technology from the respective eras. The collection also includes numerous models of fire-fighting vehicles and equipment.