That sun again, still that stupid rain or when will the snow finally come? We talk about the weather every day, but when do we talk about the climate and climate change? What does the increase in average global temperatures of around 1 °C since 1990 mean? Is that a lot? Why is it like that? What does it have to do with us? And what can I do and what happens next?
The interactive science exhibition provides insights into the methods and current results of climate research, provides information about the causes, extent and consequences of global warming, offers experiments on the greenhouse effect, shows objects and concrete examples of climate change in the region and enables visitors to exchange opinions and reflect on their own actions.

In cooperation with Dresden University of Technology, Chair of Meteorology and Junior Professorship of Didactics of Geography and Environmental Communication, Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development, Potsdam University of Applied Sciences, Urban Complexity Lab
Funded by the Saxon State Ministry for Energy, Climate Protection, Environment and Agriculture

Die Ausstellung befindet sich im Ernemannturm und ist nicht barrierefrei zugänglich. Ein digitaler Rundgang bietet Zugang zu allen Ausstellungsinhalten.