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Interdisciplinary research project TUD-Sylber

The Federal Ministry of Research and Education (BMBF) is funding the institutional and content-related further development of teacher training at TU Dresden as part of the federal and state quality offensive for teacher training. The aim of the TUD-Sylber project (Synergetische Lehrerbildung im exzellenten Rahmen – Synergetic Teacher Education in an Excellent Framework) is to improve the networking of the various players involved in teacher education and to harmonise their actions in such a way that sustainable progress is achieved in the training of prospective teachers. The project focuses on organisational development, quality improvement and regional networking and was launched in spring 2016.

The core of the project consists of stakeholders from six faculties and the Centre for Teacher Education, School and Vocational Training Research at TU Dresden. The Technology Collections are involved with the MATHEMATICS EXPERIENCE LAND in the sub-project 5.1 Learning Landscape Saxony. Making learning attractive through extracurricular learning centres. As a co-operation project between the TU Dresden and the museums of the city of Dresden, ERLEBNISLAND is the ideal extracurricular experimental location for innovative and sustainable teaching-learning situations.

Extracurricular places of learning enable motivating, contextualised lessons, which can often be interdisciplinary. However, the integration of extracurricular places of learning and interdisciplinary approaches is not firmly established in teacher training programmes. In sub-project 5.1, student teachers will systematically learn how to explore extracurricular places of learning didactically and reflexively and at the same time gain practical experience. To this end, special modules are designed in which students learn how to access learning opportunities at extracurricular places of learning and develop teaching concepts based on this.

Further information on the overall project can be found at

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