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KI generiert: Zwei Männer arbeiten an einem großen alten Computer in einem Museum oder einer Ausstellung. Ein Schild informiert darüber, dass der Computer jeden Dienstag um 14:00 Uhr in Betrieb gezeigt wird.

The friends of the Technische Sammlungen Dresden

The Friends of the Technische Sammlungen Dresden support the museum in its public relations work and specialist tasks.  

To become a member please write an e-mail to oder einen Brief an den

Förderverein für die Technischen Sammlungen Dresden e. V.
Junghansstraße 1– 3, 01277 Dresden


The statutes can be found on the website of the association:


You can also find out about current and completed projects on the association's website:

Depending on the focus of the Technology Collections, the association has members with different interests who form their own working groups (WG). Of course, members who are simply interested in the Technology Collections »per se« are also welcome. 

Computing technology working group

Old computer technology usually disappears just as quickly as new computers come onto the market. This makes it all the more interesting – or even fun – to see one of the really old computers again.

Every old computer tells a story, it is a testimony to the achievements of scientists and engineers at the time. Who can still imagine the conditions under which programming was carried out 40 or 50 years ago, without Windows and the Internet?

The Dresden Technology Collections have an extensive collection of historical computers, ranging from mechanical calculators and hand-held computers to PC technology at the end of the last century.

The Computer Technology Working Group brings together people interested in this technology and former employees from the fields of computer technology manufacture and application. One of our aims is to preserve, demonstrate and document the existing technology.

Entertainment technology working group

The Technology Collections maintain a large collection of consumer electronics equipment. This includes radios from the last 90 years as well as recording and playback devices such as record players, magnetic tape recorders, televisions, music cabinets, video equipment, etc.

The »Entertainment Technology« working group currently consists of 4 active members who are interested in this technology and are concerned with the state of preservation and functionality of this equipment within the framework of the restoration guidelines of the Technology Collections. They conduct research into the origin, manufacturer and technical data of the devices and try to find out stories about the special features of the objects.

The radio depot, which as a display depot exclusively houses radio receivers, is normally closed. It is only opened on Museum Night, at the Technology Collections Tower Festival and on request. 

KI generiert: Das Bild zeigt eine Gruppe von Menschen, die interessiert ein altes Radio oder einen alten Fernseher in einem Lagerraum mit weiteren antiken Geräten betrachten. Der Raum ist mit Regalen voller Vintage-Radios und Fernseher ausgestattet.Offenes Radiodepot bei der Museumsnacht 2021, Foto: Anja Schneider

If you would like a guided tour on a specific topic, please contact us by e-mail or via the contact form on the Friends' Association website: .

The friends on YouTube

KI generiert: Das Bild zeigt drei Männer, die an einem alten Computerarbeitsplatz arbeiten. Im Vordergrund ist ein großer, früher elektronischer Computer zu sehen, während im Hintergrund eine Wand mit einigen Bildern und Texten zu erkennen ist.