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Showcase of research

Clusters of excellence, high-tech, cutting-edge research 
Opening hours
Tue – Fri: 9:00 – 17:00
Sat / Sun / Public holidays: 10:00 - 18:00
5 € per person | 4 € reduced
Friday from 12:00 free admission (except public holidays)

Free admission with the Dresden Pass and for children under 7, as well as other discounts

Dresden is one of the most important centres of scientific research in Germany. With the SHOWCASE OF RESEARCH the Technische Sammlungen are opening a new series of exhibitions and events that will provide information about current research projects at Dresden institutes, about the aims, methods and results of research and about innovations from Dresden and invite people to talk about them. Interactive exhibits have been developed and built together with the scientists.

KI generiert: Das Bild zeigt zwei Kinder, die mit Magneten in den Händen vor einer Installation mit Glasflaschen stehen, in denen sich Ferrofluid befindet. Sie experimentieren offensichtlich mit den Magnetfeldern, um die Flüssigkeit zu bewegen und verschiedene Formen zu erzeugen.

Physics of LifePhysik des Lebens

6 MAY 2023 - extended until 27 October!

At TU Dresden's Cluster of Excellence Physics of Life, scientists from the fields of physics, biology and computer science are jointly researching the physical laws that enable the structure and development of living matter in cells, molecules and tissues.

The hands-on exhibition in the Showcase of Research illustrates how a complex organism develops from a fertilised egg cell and which research questions have not yet been solved. Spectacular microscopic video recordings and models show how life is organised at the tiniest level, how each cell takes on a very specific function and how the tissue grows and takes shape.

In collaboration with the Cluster of Excellence »Physics of Life« at TU Dresden

KI generiert: Das Bild zeigt eine Ausstellung über Quantenmaterialien mit verschiedenen Schautafeln und Modellen. Hauptinhalt ist die Darstellung neuer Dimensionen durch fortschrittliche Quantenmaterialien.

Cluster of excellence ct.qmat

The Cluster of Excellence ct.qmat – Complexity and Topology in Quantum Materials is investigating new quantum materials in high-performance laboratories in Dresden and Würzburg that exhibit surprising phenomena under extreme conditions such as ultra-low temperatures, high pressure or strong magnetic fields. These quantum materials could, for example, form the basis for mega-fast quantum chips that consume hardly any energy and have gigantic storage capacities - if their special properties can also be utilised under everyday conditions.

The scientists have designed seven interactive exhibits especially for the exhibition in the SHOWCASE, ranging from hairy donuts to frustrated magnets, which can be used to playfully decode the mysterious quantum world.

Game app »Cat Q« - playing quantum physics at home

The »Cat Q« game app from the Würzburg-Dresden Cluster of Excellence ct.qmat turns the fascinating phenomena of quantum physics into an experience. The mobile phone game is designed to get children and young people between the ages of 11 and 14 interested in physics. Based on a popular thought experiment in quantum mechanics by Nobel Prize winner Erwin Schrödinger, players accompany »their« cat through the crazy quantum world and solve more than 20 attractive brainteasers. The special feature: The cat is alive and dead at the same time.